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Howdy ~Music Lovers!
You can blame me for stealing or routing Fun fact Friday here. However I'm using some Elon brain of getting wider attention for ~Music Pool in all legal ways. I'm ready for the consequences!
So, It's Fun Fact Musical Friday!
Bring your jazzy, classical, pop, hip hop or any facts! We don't mind until they are musical!
The winner of this post will be declared for the best comment voted by the top filter by 5:00 PM GMT tomorrow.
It's a pool so don't think about winning the sats before Sunday, September 01.
The pool is still open for everyone, so just join in and comment below!
That's it about today's pool post!

High Pitch Alert!

This month's Music pool is shortened and running on a trial.
Don't worry, sats zapped to every pool post still contribute to the pool reward to be rewarded to the winner on first of September.
All details about ~Music Pool #650068
As ~Music do not have so many competitions like sports have, I want input and suggestions from all of you how to go about with pool posts.
  • One thing that I think we can do is regularly predicting the top 10 charts on YouTube or Spotify. That would bring a 'uncertainty' element to the pool.
  • The other thing that came to my mind is predicting the top songs or singers for the year/month. The method of calculation will be the charts provided on YouTube.
  • Or, may be we can predict the outcome of some real competitions like Rose Bowl. Kindly tell me about the top music competitions happening all around the world.
  • Or, we can do something else. You say. How do you want it to go ahead.
  • I'm thinking about declaring two or three winners per pool post and applying a points system. To say, the winner gets 10 points, the runner up gets 3 points and the 3rd ranked comment gets 1 point only.
So, kindly provide your input/suggestion to make this ~music pool even bigger and better once we do an official release of the pool from September 01.
Thank you so much for your love and support!
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4’33’’ composed by John Cage is a modernist piece of music written for any combination of musicians.
The performers do not play their instrument, instead it is the ambient sounds that contribute to the music.
In this way no performance can ever sound the same. The piece is divided into 3 movements and was premiered in 1952 to much shock and controversy.
Some animals, like birds and whales, also produce complex musical patterns. Birdsong can be incredibly intricate, and whale songs can be heard over long distances in the ocean. https://youtu.be/Qseb4IVnOv8?si=IzqRsVxSVjtDmiuz
The world’s shortest song! Believe it or not, the world’s shortest song is just 1.316 seconds long! “You Suffer” by Napalm Death is the world’s shortest song. Blink and you’ll miss it! https://youtu.be/9Z1IGjr2cT0
This is my go to music fact.
Smoke on the water, is Beethoven's Fifth.
The theremin is an early electronic instrument that is played without physical contact.
It was invented by Leon Theremin in 1920, and it uses two antennas to detect the player's hand movements, controlling the pitch and volume of the sound produced.
One interesting fact about the theremin is that it was the first instrument to be played without being touched, and it was also the first electronic instrument to be used in classical music compositions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajM4vYCZMZk
The Beatles’ “Yesterday” is the most covered song in the history of recorded music. Over 2,200 artists have recorded their own versions of it. https://youtu.be/NrgmdOz227I
The idea of musical competitions isn't bad. Besides the Rose Bowl, there are some significant music competitions like the Eurovision Song Contest, a huge event in Europe that involves artists from various countries. the Grammy Awards with various categories (Best Song, Best New Artist, etc.), and also The Voice/X Factor, though each country has its own version. Here in Italy, we also have the Sanremo Music Festival in February, which is broadcast worldwide. But it wouldn't be a bad idea to bet on who will win.
Are weekly or monthly music quizzes too old-fashioned? Participants would answer questions about songs, artists, lyrics, or historical events related to music. Those who answer correctly earn points.
I also have my Fun Fact Musical Friday. 😎
In his song "Godzilla," Eminem set the record for the most words in a minute in a rap song, with 97 words in 30 seconds! The 3-min 31-sec “Godzilla” contains 959 words from start to end, an average of 4.54 words** per second. At best I can say my name in a second..🤣
The banjo has origins in West Africa. The earliest banjos are thought to have been based on West African lutes, These instruments are similar to the banjo in that they are stringed and use hollowed-out gourds as resonators.
The Voyager Golden Records are two identical phonograph records which were included aboard the two Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977.[1] The records contain sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth, and are intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form who may find them. The records are a time capsule.

The oldest known musical instrument is 50,000 years old

While it may come as a surprise, homosapiens weren’t the first species to play music. The proof is in the Neanderthal Flute made of cave bear bones, discovered in Slovenia in 1995.
Experts believe it to be at least 50,000 years old, making it the oldest instrument ever found — so far, at least.
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