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It's Fun Fact Friday!
Bring your best wise, whacky and wild facts for your chance to win 10k sats.
One fact per comment please. Best fact as voted by the top filter by 9am CT tomorrow gets the prize.
Good Luck!
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grayruby's bounties

Anti-gravity Hill in Laddakh, India

Your Vehicle rolls up while Engine is off and in Neutral.

For years, scientists have been perplexed by a peculiar phenomenon occurring on the hills of Ladakh. When vehicles are parked in neutral gear, they inexplicably move uphill at a speed of 10-15 kmph.
Superb! I didn't know about it!
It's surprising. You live closer to the Himalyas. Aren't you?
Yes. I live closer to them but this place is still a 1000 miles away from me. I can't go everywhere and can't know everything.
Very cool.
Ha. Getting good use out of this meme.
I have to. I was getting a job for nearly 100 dollars a month before coming to SN but I had rejected that job and now I'm here!
Wow only 100 a month. You should do a post about that.
It's actually that about 200 feral cats live in Disneyland to help control the rodent population in the park.


Thanks! 🙏
I think every American and Disney lover must know about!
Why? Does everyone like Disney there!
Helium has the ability to work against gravity.
When helium is cooled to near-absolute zero temperatures (-460 degrees Fahrenheit or -273 degrees Celsius), it becomes a superfluid, which means it can flow without friction. It can literally climb walls for gods sake!
Source for those that find it wild like me
My daughter learned his lesson at her last birthday when one of her helium filled balloons got away from her.
But this is liquid helium! Not the gas form which is so cool!
it will suddenly be able to do things that other fluids can't, like dribble through molecule-thin cracks, climb up and over the sides of a dish, and remain motionless when its container is spun.
Its a great quantum mechanics thing!
Bananas are radioactive.
Bananas have naturally high-levels of potassium and a small fraction of all potassium is radioactive. Consuming one banana would deliver a total dose of 0.01 millirem (0.1 microsieverts) of radiation. This is a very small amount of radiation.
The largest and deepest sinkhole in the world is Xiaozhai Tiankeng, in Fengjie, China. Its name means something like "well of heaven".
With its 662 meters deep, 626 meters long and 537 meters wide, it is one of the most impressive natural attractions on Earth. In addition to a great variety of fauna and flora, it is home to an underground river that measures a total of 8.5 km that ends in a spectacular waterfall. In the rainy season, a waterfall is also generated at the mouth of the sinkhole.
That is beautiful!
Wow, incredible.
Gives new meaning to "making it rain".
The script for the movie “The Terminator” was sold for $1.
Good deal.
I have been dabbling in learning over 10 languages and this is a little fun fact that seems apparent from all this learning I've done: nouns for (most often) technological innovations are generally the same across languages based on the globally dominant language of the time.
If it is not distinct to a region, it will have its own unique name.
Example: Pizza Zulu: ipizza Scots Gaelic: piotsa Spanish: pizza Russian: пицца (phonetically still sounds like 'pizza') Chinese: 比萨 (pi-sa) Arabic: بيتزا (bit-za)
Not original, therefor different in most languages: Bread Zulu: isinkwa Scots Gaelic: aran Spanish: pan Russian: хлеб (khleb) Chinese: 面包 (Miànbāo) Arabic: خبز (khubz)
Buzz Lightyear's original name was Lunar Larry.
As with most initial design concepts, they tend to change over time. What Disney fanatics may not be aware of is the fact that Buzz Lightyear was originally named "Lunar Larry," and his early sketches look almost unrecognizable from the Toy Story fan favorite that audiences have come to know and adore. Lunar Larry doesn't quite have the same ring to it as Buzz Lightyear, but early sketches are interesting reminders of just how far the Buzz Lightyear development has come.
As seen in early designs (pictured above), Lunar Larry features the "LL" insignia on his spacesuit, which shows the complete redesign of Buzz Lightyear's entire concept -- including the name -- to give life to the image that Disney ultimately agreed upon. Other vastly different appearances were considered for the character alongside many sketches that slowly amounted to the final rendition of the loveable space ranger. As the images progressed, the character began to resemble the irreplaceable Buzz Lightyear.
It's been 31 years since our cryptographic forefathers began the fight for our right to privacy!
Cypherpunks write code. They know that someone has to write code to defend privacy, and since it's their privacy they're going to write it...
Cypherpunks don't care if you don't like the software they write. Cypherpunks know that software can't be destroyed. Cypherpunks know that a widely dispersed system can't be shut down. Cypherpunks will make the networks safe for privacy.
Awesome fact.
The Japanese monarchy is the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy in the world.
Nice fact.
Thank you :) It beats your monarchs :P A lot of the japanese monarchs retired or abdicated in their teens! lol
Believe it or not...
The fun: Taxes are voluntary, always have been, everywhere! And I bet you'll not find any law or legislation that define the opposite.
The fact: governments and dictatorships enforce tax collection with treats and various strategies to make citizens believe they are forced to pay.
Note: it isn't the payment of tax that's voluntary. Rather, it's the manner in which citizens submit their own taxes. Citizens have the obligation to file tax returns because already under contract with whatever Gov Corporation, but no one force anyone to be a citizen, an employee of the Gov.
I saw someone post a video on this once.
Have shared this #650740 earlier or this is a good summary for kids
Wasn't this but can't go wrong with the Simpsons.
I bet @Lux has many more and better references
Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible! This is due to honey's low moisture content and acidic pH, which create an environment in which bacteria and microorganisms cannot thrive.
Nice fact!
Just doing Canadian things.
Zealand - have tattooed their faces for centuries. The marks are called 'tà moko', and are etched with 'uhi' chisels instead of needles to leave grooves along with the ink. The pigment used was soot obtained from burning kahikatea, or white pine, sometimes mixed with kauri gum or soot from the oily koromiko (hebe) shrub. The true form is sacred, unique to each person. Ta moko reflects an individual's whakapapa (ancestry) and personal history. Traditionally, men received Mataora on their faces - as a symbol of nobility. As maori believe the head is the most sacred part of the body, facial tattoos have special significance.
Great fact.
Months that begin on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th in them.
There is a Roly-Poly called a Rubber Ducky Roly-Poly!
AND you can by them on Amazon!
Did you know that the longest word in the English language is 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis'? It's a type of lung disease caused by inhaling very fine silica dust, and it has a whopping 45 letters! Amazing! 45 letters to remember. 😛
The world’s oldest dog lived to be 29.5 years old.
The Australian cattle dog named Bluey lived to be 29.5 years old when the average age for dogs is from 10-15 years.
Interesting is the kid's show named after this dog?
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