Fuck multiculturalism! People of same culture have it easier among them. Diluting a firm community with an inflow of immigrans does neither any good! Do we really need to have civil wars pop up in countries to understand that? Fuck me...
Yes, many people feels that way, specially in the EU and currently in the UK, immigration without proper planning, physiological screening, crime records search, strong laws for deportation serving as deterrent plus enforcement of education to respect the welcoming culture, obviously lacking all the above will lead to major issues,
I believe that most people in charge of immigration of those countries know this very well, therefore, one should ask, Why is being done so badly? What is the purpose? Who profits from such a bad policy? Not the people of the receiving country in general for sure, nor the immigrants, simply unreal
People of same culture have it easier among them.
Yeah, sure 🤣🤣🤣