I saw the American econ. guy (some gov. lackey) on youtube basically patting himself on the back about this.
"Inflation is down! It's steady! Wow! We've done a great job!" But, "We're cautiously optimistic... still more work to be done!"
Real inflation over the past 5 years is something like 40-60%. The money supply increase over the same time is unfathomable.
The sad thing is that this rhetoric actually fools and influences people.
It's not important what we as fiat critics think looking at these fake data. Whar counts is the market's perceotion and the deltas. You need to understand that
Oh I see what you're getting at. You're looking at the impacts of this esp on the markets, options and M2/3 money supply.
Exactly. We both know that these data are BS and that the fiat system is a kind of neo-feudalism