That list of “characteristics of innovations that affect their rate of adoption” is very insightful, I think understanding where bitcoin stands on each point can help us to better convey the message and allocate resources to the more difficult sticking points.
I’ll rate them 1-10 here for fun 1 being most friction 10 being least friction
  1. Relative advantages - 5 - Bitcoin scores high here on actual advantages as we all know, but low on perceived advantages for the reasons you stated:
And you can't even begin to grasp Bitcoin if you don't recognize the problems in the current system.
As the current system gets inevitably worse perception gets better.
  1. Compatibility - 3 - Bitcoin scores poorly here for much the same reason as above, but on a much more sinister level. Over 100 years living in a central bank fiat system has destroyed our time preference and thereby destroyed our values as a whole. i believe Bitcoin will help lower our time preference and realign our values with the good.
  2. Complexity - 1 - Bitcoin scores poorly here as well. Learning to be your own bank is difficult and requires many hours of learning proper Bitcoin storage practices. There’s a lot of friction here but it’s not insurmountable.
  3. Trailability - 10 - Bitcoin score very well here, it’s a voluntary, permissionless, opt-in system. Its divisibility allows people to try it out with small amounts to limit risk.
  4. Observability - 8 - High score here as well, you put it perfectly:
Best we can do right now is lead by example and offer a way out for the curious one's.
I also think it’s important to be very careful of where we use our toxic maximalism. I love the toxicity as much as the next guy, and it’ll be a necessary weapon to wield against the regime, but we must use it wisely and sparingly.
What do you guys think?