Assuming you didn't get into bitcoin 15 years ago, why didn't you get it before you got it?
Everyone's on their own learning path. Most bitcoiners got it before me and I got it before most people.
We're still early. People don't like thinking. Most people don't care very much about the problems bitcoin solves. People are social animals, which makes them averse to adopting new things. Propaganda works (until it doesn't). People don't trust technology (until they do).
I didn't get it... because I honestly had never heard of it. Then when I read about it the first time (not that long ago actually) it just clicked immediately. I sat down on the bed for 9 hours straight, didn't move didn't do anything except read its 'proof of work' and I was astounded. I didn't know anything like this existed.
That's awesome!
I heard about bitcoin very early on and was intrigued by it, but I didn't get over my hangups until a couple of years ago.
There are still lots of people who are in the position you were in and many others who are in the position I was in.