I enjoy observing the stuff Balaji does. It's usually driven by some relatively under-explored idea(s) when most people have trouble keeping one such idea, once in their life, and Balaji will do it with multiple simultaneously while generating/discovering other such ideas all on an ongoing basis. But, to be honest, like most of the things he's done since his first exit, this seems overcooked. Something appears to break when people pursue follow-on successes and I haven't fingered what it is yet. Nonetheless, it's exciting to see him experiment with adult education which is in dire need of an overhaul. I suspect it'll generate a ton of other such experiments.
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I kind of liked his previous bounty project where you could earn small amounts of bitcoin for learning different skills. I think that is a better idea than this one.
Earn? Yeah I thought that was neat too. He has really solid starting premises for things usually.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @art 17 Aug
The cryptocredential part has me confused. There exists no ledger that's actually decentralized enough to store this sort of data usefully. And I'd be sad if it was done on bitcoin.
Outside of that - PlebLab and Wolf seem both deeply premised on creative collision through meatspace participation. Something to it!
This is very confusing. While attaching 'School' to anything doesn't make it a school. Schooling is part of formal education, while here Balaji is suggesting about informal education.
He’s good to follow on X. I sometimes share his tweets. Not sure about this particular project but I’ll check it out.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 18 Aug
I like some of the ideas but the NFT and crypto stuff is a turn off IMO.
In fact, Balaji didn't come up with anything new in the School, but in his invitation to the school on the website he mentions that "We got an island." It's strange that he didn't show where it is on the map or give the coordinates. But overall, it's a great initiative!
THanks for sharing. I've subscribed. I like some of the stuff he has worked on in the past. I'm always seeking education of some kind!