One important takeaway from yesterday’s Google event, though, and the overall discussion of the importance of integration, is that I think forcing a divesture of Android in particular would be a mistake.
Yes, you can envision a world where Android spurs competition amongst AI providers by being open to the highest bidder, or the best product; note, though, that is basically what Apple Intelligence is proffering. Apple is handling AI related to your personal data that is held on the device they sell, and they are really the only ones that can do so; “world knowledge” is being handled by OpenAI for now, but the company has been clear that there will be other offerings.
What Google is proposing is something different entirely: you can pick your device, but your AI will be integrated with your data primarily via the cloud; the company can pull that off because they own both Android and the cloud. It’s something different and, to the extent the DOJ is concerned with historial patterns of innovation, they should let Google’s integration be.