Yesterday it was raining almost all day and I had the idea of going out with my camera in hand to continue exploring the photographic possibilities that the 200mm lens offers me and I must say that I love it for street photography.
The rain creates a very beautiful atmosphere for photographs and even people dress differently, everything is different under the rain, I would dare to say even more romantic.
First I will show you the photos I took of people using umbrellas:
There were other people who were not carrying umbrellas because at that moment it was only raining softly, the worst part had already passed and that is precisely why I went out to take photos, my camera is not waterproof so I had to wait for the intensity of the rain to decrease.
One of the first things I noticed was that street vendors, with or without rain, always keep going there trying to get money for their homes.
I personally am a fan of rainy days and I love wearing sweaters and coats to walk down the street.
I must also admit that I was a little surprised by the number of people I saw walking in the rain, something that I found too beautiful, I suppose that like me, these people also enjoy a rainy day.
The 200mm lens became my perfect ally for this urban exploration. Its focal length allowed me to capture scenes from a discreet perspective, without interfering with people's daily lives. In this way, I was able to portray reality as it unfolded, without altering or manipulating it.
This gentleman was covered by a plastic bag, something quite precarious but I suppose effective for him.
This mother and her son walked in the rain getting wet without worry.
I really liked this photo because of the "tunnel" that is created between the trees and the sidewalk.
I keep exploring, improving and learning new ways to be able to offer you better quality content, I hope you liked these photos as much as I did!
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These photos are so beautiful, they made me feel comfort and nostalgia at the same time. I miss Venezuela and its rain, I live in a city where it doesn't rain, I haven't heard a lightning bolt for 7 years, my daughter doesn't know its sound. Going back to the photos, I like that grayscale and the angles in which you take the photos, I'm not an expert in photography but I really appreciate that work, it's an activity that I like. I can't decide on a favorite, but without a doubt one of them is number 5, the man walking backwards with his umbrella.
good stuff :)
Thaks man!
Great photos, here in AZ people rejoice when we get rain since it is dry so much. We don't use umbrellas haha.