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1. You can only control that which you create.

If you use the name given to you (Legal name), you did not create that name, and therefore you cannot control it. However, when you create your own new Lawful Sovereign name, you control everything you create with that name.

2. You cannot control that which you did not create.

You can only hold in trust things you have not created, as the creator may turn up with evidence, they created the item and were never given fair compensation (What is considered fair can change). Hence, you need a Trust.

3. All commerce is based on title.

There are Lawful Titles which are higher than Legal Titles, as Legal Titles are possessor y title, think along the lines of ghost possess a house, and it's a fictional dead title for dead entities (CORPSEration).

4. The only true title to anything is the Manufacturer Statement of Origin & Intellectual Property.

MSO & IP is the paperwork proving evidence you CREATED the product or service, you can only control what you create.

5. When you register anything anywhere, you give up title.

This is the process of converting Lawful Titles into Legal Titles, as you are giving up the Lawful Title as you do not have a trust to put the Lawful title into. This is how governments own all the Lawful Titles.

We CREATE CREDIT not banks, they take our Lawful Promissory Notes and convert them into Legal Tender. This is another way we lose control of our CREATIONS by exchanging them for fictional numbers on a bank’s ledger.

7. There is no involuntary servitude.

Everyone who is CitizenSHIP is classified as voluntary employee on the TrusteeSHIP called USA inc, UK plc etc. There are privileges/rights and obligations/taxes for being on the TrusteeSHIP, you can leave any time, hence it's VOLUNTARY.

8. First in line is first in time.

The first one to CREATE the paperwork evidence that you are the CREATOR is the one that holds the MSO/IP, so create it first and do not allow others to file/register your CREATION, record it not register.

9. Do not interfere with commerce.

This one is key, as you cannot sink over SHIP in the sea of Commerce, as you will be treated as a DESTROYER. Create Solutions and allow others to volunteer to choose your product or service. We Create Abundance by creating choices.

10. Never allow anything to come between you and your creator.

Most people use their Legal Name and not their Creative Lawful Name. For 1000's of years organizations have tricked people into ACTING as a dead Legal fiction/CORPSEration, do not allow it.


So summarizing it all:
  1. You can only control that which you create.
  2. You cannot control that which you did not create.
  3. All commerce is based on title.
  4. The only true title to anything is the MSO (Manufacturer Statement of Origin).
  5. When you register anything anywhere, you give up title.
  6. There is no money.
  7. There is no involuntary servitude.
  8. First in line is first in time.
  9. Do not interfere with commerce.
  10. Never allow anything to come between you and your creator.
  1. Sell emotions.
? can you expand a bit?
I've seen a variant of this one -> Sell a story, not a product
Indeed, having the first mover advantage is important.
Everyone, visit my blog & say my name, say my name
great video