So, if wee extrapolate, when will it happen? Or is it already started?
Mark Moss talks about these waves coming in four year intervals. We're in the trough right now, so the next peak would be 2026. Between now and then is when you'd expect the massive liquidity injection.
So this is the time to stack religiously.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 19 Aug
Stack like crazy
Yes, stack every spare dollar you can while you can. You never know what will happen to it.
That's what he's advocating. He's been arguing that Bitcoin and related investments are likely to be the drivers of the next era of economic growth.
I wonder if real estate is under that category?
No, but he does think real estate is a better investment than most financial analysts believe. I haven't heard his argument for that though.
Is he advocating any of the shitcoins?
Not that I've ever heard. I'm pretty sure he's bitcoin only.
Im not a fan when people promote shitcoins. And bitcoin. Then people get burned because they bought the shitcoins. And rant about it.