What's the best exercise for muscle growth in terms of ROI/time spent?
Not sure, I haven't optimized for muscle growth in a very long time. I find that martial arts, hill sprints, body-weight exercises (push-ups, chin-ups, squats), trail/beach runs, give me the best mix of mental clarity / enjoyment / nature / strength / adaptability that I am looking for. I'd say my primary optimization is for mental clarity / emotional stability, and I pretty much accept that the actions which foster those also foster a physical body which I'm content with. I guess there's also an element of reducing vulnerability (within reason), so I do things that would give me an above average degree of confidence in any terrain or situation (fighting, sprinting, swimming, speaking etc.) It seems reasonable to me to optimize for what 'moves you through life most successfully', and then trying to figure out which practices or habits most accomplish that. Simplicity is also huge for me. I want to be able to keep up the diet and exercise wherever I am. As a result, I don't use supplements or anything like that. My assumption is that there will always be beef, an open field, or a steep hill nearby, and that that would be totally sufficient. This also helps for the mental clarity component, not having this component of life being too much of a cognitive burden.