My balance is showing $NaN.
It seems to breakdown a bit if I give it too much of a complex task.
Other than that, the project has me blown away.
The model seemed 10x smarter than claude......and I was using claude. I guess giving the LLM's a more complete view of the github project did the trick. And its ability to view and update repos is wild.
I see myself eventually walking around and occasionally taking notes, and then uploading the notes into autodev to spit out a quick app ideas.
this territory is moderated
Awesome feedback, thank you!
Updated your balance manually - I should track down that NaN bug today.
Can you think of a feature or two we could add next that would make the most difference for you?
Having multiple chat boxes open at the same time would be pretty cool.
The github workflow features, make me want to use this as a daily driver.
Right now I'm using a mix of PPQ.AI and Unleashed.Chat
I'm looking to use LLM's for
  • Writing
  • Coding
  • Artwork -......General productivity enhancements
And I think I broke the thing again, can you reset the balance again lol.
AFK a few hours will do when I get back! Also you can open multiple windows now by holding command when clicking chats