The Final Indignity to Angry Old Joe

Since Joe Biden was willing to accept the humiliation of being forced out of his campaign for reelection, perhaps it follows that he would be amenable to accepting the final indignity of delivering his farewell address at his party’s convention on a night usually reserved for second- and third-tier speakers.
Indeed, the unconventional decision to have the sitting president speak on the first night (after 11:30 P.M. Eastern - well after prime time) of the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) – as opposed to either not speaking at all or being placed in a prominent slot on a succeeding night – was undoubtedly the product of a tortured compromise.
“This is awful. He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them — do they have to cut him out of prime time?” one longtime Biden aide texted Axios reporter Alex Thompson.
oe got around to talking nicely about Kamala Harris and America after midnight Eastern time. And that's not hyperbole! Not a joke. I give you my word as a Biden.

More insult to injury!

More fun!

More Harris Propoganda!

If anything else we wanted from the first day of DMC, read this-
"And all this talk about how I'm angry at all those people that said I should step down—that's not true."


About the only thing left they could do to him is the 25th amendment and publicly admit he his mentally unfit and/or impeachment/jail. His legacy is permanently damaged at this point.
Yes, nothing more is left. At this age of his life, he had never thought of such an insult.