I’m just sad that Jack Dorsey has not switched on the ‘pay with bitcoin’ function directly into the Square terminal yet. They have significant merchant adoption.
The biz owner doesn’t have to do anything as they can just convert the sats straight to $. And then of course there can be an option for the biz owner to stack the sats if they are sensible. They could also incentive the biz owners with lower merchant fees.
I 100% agree. I'm not sure if he's/they're waiting for lightning to further mature... or if it's a regulatory and compliance question that they're waiting to solve and address first...
But yes the Square payment terminals accepting lightning with a big QR code. The big QR code is just right... there. I just keeping waiting for the opportunity to scan one with a Zeus app, load the invoice and tap 'pay' lol. Then we'll really be getting somewhere.
bitcoin is beautiful. astounding how it works and everyone who has used it will agree. https://bits.monospace.live/. bitcoin is fascinating. you can study it for years and you will still not know everything about it
i cannot say the same about lightning. it certainly has a value for discussion boards like stacker or nostr but it will never be mainstream with all its limitations and complications.
With all due respect I hope you're wrong. I really like lightning