That's really beautifully put, awesome.
If I may... I would like to vent a little as many folks, particularly on twitter and even on Youtube, really aren't "using" bitcoin at all. I would even suggest that 'using' Bitcoin, like sending and receiving sats and sharing ideas here on SN is relatively uncommon.
Instead some people keep their sats on 'exchanges' and so they really aren't 'their' sats and they really aren't using bitcoin. Maybe tangentially as the bitcoin 'held for them' protects their purchasing power... however Bitcoin ultimately is money and is capital and is designed to flow and to facilitate life. Here on SN 'the sats flow' to facilitate communication and the sharing of ideas and that's 'using' bitcoin. Buying bitcoin on coinbase/another exchange and having it sit their for an extended period... probably isn't using it to the same degree. Your keys your coins and all that.
thank you is a nice community and an influentional one in bitcoin