of course the tyrant H. CHAVEZ was the friend of the people, friend of the poor, let us not forget that it was they who brought him to power! under the hope and the socialist promises that he would distribute the wealth of the country among all.
  • that he would give education to the uneducated (he did it with his socialist schools and universities of free education, which was free but not good).
  • that he would give houses to the homeless (he also did this, he gave away thousands, and all of them poorly made with second or third class materials and thus setting up one of the biggest money laundering and embezzlement of funds in the history of the country, through the Housing Mission 🏠).
  • that he would give loans to entrepreneurs, loans that later nobody paid (they gave away thousands of loans for small and medium businesses, less than 30% of those debtors returned their loan).
  • that would give dollars to travel abroad (in the beginning they gave $5000 per person to travel abroad, there were people who became millionaires, they processed the quotas of the most ignorant people, and then they gave them $500 for their 5k quota and they kept the rest)
And so among other things, the biggest party and looting of a rich and prosperous country took place. 25 years later the people of Venezuela only live the hangover of the great party orchestrated by Chavez and all the Venezuelans who participated in the embezzlement of the country, because if it is true that the main politicians and those close to them are those who have become rich, but the people were also part of the party and the distribution, some to a greater or others to a lesser extent, and everything in this life is "Cause and Effect"