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China has intensified its trade standoff with the European Union, this time targeting the heavily subsidized dairy industry. In a significant move, Beijing has launched an anti-subsidy investigation into EU dairy imports, signaling a new phase in the ongoing trade disputes between the two economic powerhouses. The probe was initiated at the request of two government-backed industry associations representing Chinese dairy producers, according to an announcement from China's Ministry of Commerce.
The investigation, which follows discussions between Chinese officials and EU representatives, is expected to take up to a year to complete. However, the Ministry indicated that the process could be extended by an additional six months if necessary.
This development comes on the heels of the EU's own anti-subsidy probe into Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs), where proposed tariffs on EV imports from China were recently revised. The unfolding situation points to a deepening of trade tensions, with both sides appearing to dig in on their respective positions.
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If you don't buy our EVs, we don't buy dairy from you!
It'll be interesting to see who wins this EVs vs Dairies?
Exactly! And China knows it dominates most markets for most commodities and manufactured goods and knows how to use that domination to its advantage. Peter Hesslers book 'Country Driving' explains this very well- it is something most westerners simply do not realised yet but the reality is there is no country anywhere world wide that is not now reliant upon China to an extent that to stop trading with China would have a significant negative effect on their economy. This positions China to claim global dominance in trade and the institutional regulatory and trade settlements protocols. China is building its alternatives to the World Bank and SWIFT and USD and rolling them out as the Wests legacy hegemony that delivered The Opium Wars, is like a frog slowly being cooked.
It's quite ironic that China, which has often been criticized for not adhering to the same standards as the EU in terms of hygiene practices and fair competition, is now launching an anti-subsidy investigation into European dairy imports. This back-and-forth will only exacerbate tensions between the two economic powerhouses, continuing the cycle of trade disputes that defines their relationship. And the consequences will be felt by citizens in terms of higher prices.
Was just thinking of the cost of ".. expected to take up to a year to complete." filtering into the prices for everyone. All those legal fees and bureacracy. Just bad all round.
What is the point over squabbling over the small stuff? The reason why people in china dont want to buy chinese milk is because its so bad. They had a baby milk scandal before, so everyone was buying from importers.
While many in the West have forgotten, the Chinese remember The Opium Wars.
The baby milk scandal was very scary. Babies werent getting the right nutrition and their head sizes were increasing.
Wasn't it thst A2 milk company grom NZ involved?
It was from a Chinese milk conglomerate Sanlu with which NZs largest dairy coop Fonterra had entered a joint venture investing millions to get into the Chinese market. After the scandal Sanlu (and Fonterras investment) were worthless. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal Naturally the bricks and mortar of the Sanlu operation was restarted under some new branding and the NZ dairy giants investment disappeared into the complex labyrinth of Chinas reverse engineering of Western Production Processes.
Im not sure. I just remember being told not to buy chinese or taiwanese baby milk powder because of the scandal.
The EU car industry is threatened by cheap Chinese cars flooding the market because China's domestic car market has stalled
This announcement and investigation is the Chinese response to the EU doing basically the same thing a few weeks ago
Hey l am a fan of the BONES tv show.
I feel sad for EU citizens. Lots of great people governed by stupid motherfuckers from Brussels, forced to use their dirty value-losing shitcoin fiat and give up their values for imaginary global eco catastrophe and cultural enrichment. Sadgers...
As always these articles are good and very complete! And just a few days ago I was reading one of his articles where he commented on the same thing. of the tariffs in the EU on Chinese cars and the impact that this was having on bilateral relations. I personally believe that China is the least affected by these differences, if you can call them that.. while the EU should take a little more to think about... since economically they are not at all well... it would be better to have more allies... than discussions!
China 🇨🇳 Huff
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