At best for ETH it will just launch a new social attack on bitcoin because it's not "eNeRgY EfFiCiEnT".
At worst for ETH it will mark ~7 years of development to launch what an update that adds no material benefit to the core of the protocol. It adds huge centralization issues, massive censorship problems for validators, chain fragmentation for those still interested in maintaining PoW, and a host of new attack vectors yet to be discovered. Also have to address the elephant in the room which is ETH2 stakers still cannot unstake funds and there is really is no idea when that will happen. Given ETH's terrible time management in the past it could be years before funds can be recovered for stakers.
It's really just a beautiful shitshow. I can't wait.
I still expect the malfunction of all its infrastructure together with a drop of its price (LoL)