Good Morning. The purpose of life is always service. If you only serve yourself you are perpetually dissatisfied. If you serve a master who is powerful for the purpose of gaining power you will succeed but eventually you will find emptiness as that powerful master is always limited. Service of the Supreme Godhead, Krishna who is everywhere and in every aspect of this living universe is the end of all ends and it begins by awareness.
Many messengers have come pointing to the infinite, boundless, supreme God. It is no accident that the division of names prevents people from finding the truth. By design the demons and atheist (lesser light and without light -- Theo means light) want you to serve them so that their own loneliness is distracted and their thirst for lust is temporarily satisfied.
There is a long time chain as there is in #Bitcoin and there is no accident that the first block is called the Genesis block and that the smallest divisible unit is called the Sat as in Satchitananda which is the term referred to the Supreme Godhead. Satoshi is a Japanese version of the SANSKRIT term Sat. Nakamoto means in Japanese, "From the Book".
By simply chanting the three names of God and doing this with sincerity, inoffensively you awaken your soul and the souls around you to the ability to focus and then read the extensive Vedic chain that extends over 5,000 years. This is the time chain of God. This knowledge for humanity goes back orally millions of years and this planet is the temple for humans to escape material bondage while having all that humans need to not only survive but to spiritually receive the blessings of God Service. Good serves us without asking and without needing and in return in our ignorance we serve ourselves. This is why emptiness always needs fulfillment.
Chant the Maha Mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Rama
It is designed for this Age of Quarrel.
It sounds a bit silly but look around. People want to chant, they want to sing, they want to dance, they want to play but instead they join groups of misguided souls worshipping celebrities, murdering people, animals and wasting time by filing it with manufactured nonsense and yet they think the spiritual life is complicated and undesirable because they have been conditioned as they have been conditioned in banking.
The ultimate atheists and demons are in banking this is why there is reward and punishment. It's all the same.
Look up the time chain of the Vedas. Recently A. C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada came to the United States and published the Vedas in the original Sanskrit with English translation and a breakdown of the original language. His line goes back to the 1400s and before that to 5,000 years of Sanskrit and Vedantic knowledge that is even older.
@Coinsreporter was just sharing with us how Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in the world and boasts a humongous vocabulary!
Sanskrit is the biggest language, the mother of all languages. The Vedas and the scriptures talked on the article collectively form such a huge literature, you not gonna find in any other languages. The vocabulary is humongous but the language is sweet and simple. It's only humongous because Sanskrit didn't leave any synonym to any word for its dictionary.