And yet the Chinese CCP very closely manages their economy and it has grown like nothing before in recorded history. More people have been brought out of poverty than ever...via CCP central planning! Shock horror! libertarians en masse in denial as they seek to not see how China politburo of engineers have carefully structured the highly centralised Chinese economy to be the fastest growing economy on the planet. Nobody can compete on price with this CCP centralised autocracy- The CCP directs fiat capital issuance toward projects, infrastructure and development which is calculated to build upon and increase China natural advantages of scale and relatively low wages. Belt and Road is a new global model for resource hegemony...over trade routes, finance and international standards and protocols. Rather than the democracies of the west where capital own the major parties, thereby negating any real choice for citizens, the CCP knows that if it does not deliver over 5-10-2-50 year time frames it will be removed upon the ancient mechanism of the Mandate of the Heavens. Most in the west do not yet understand, or dare not, this existential threat to their woke liberal democratic global resource hegemony.