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To me, the prime era of SN was this January - February, where any random article I wrote garnered me thousands of zaps. I kid you not. I don’t think my writing has deteriorated so drastically, but these days, any article that breaks the 1000-zap mark will bring about a smile on my face. It has become more difficult.
Lest I turn ungrateful though, I am still grateful for SN. Usually, I will cross-post my articles here on my blog. Many years ago, when I decided to become a content creator, I signed up with Google Adsense. This year, I have solidified the habit of posting on my blog since I should be optimising my writing efforts.
Except that earning via Google Adsense is hard as hell. Look at my measly earnings of the previous two months (June & July). And this is after posting consistently every day!
It is through comparison that SN’s superior advantages illuminate the murky stormy sea of writing like a lighthouse shining brightly for lost ships. There is a built-in audience at SN, and people are predisposed to awarding zaps for good content. Secondly, even if your posts don’t gain many zaps, you still have a chance to be awarded zaps under the Daily Rewards scheme. Not to mention the non-monetary currencies that are so readily available here: a welcoming sense of community, nuggets of wisdom dished out by people who relate to your work, and a chance to win a bounty. With its multitude of benefits, it’s no wonder that SN is a more appealing platform than Google Adsense.
I have started to gain some momentum. I recently realised that sharing my guides on how to use certain AI tools and posting them on FB groups frequented by educators help bring in more cents. I still have a week to go, but I have done better in August than in the previous two months. Still, I think it may take me a year for me to earn what I earn in a month here.
Having said all that, I really want to earn $150, which is the minimum withdrawal limit on Google Adsense, just so that I can say Been that done that. Never give up!
I can confirm that posts were regularly making an order of magnitude more sats earlier this year. Some of our big zappers haven't been around for a bit.
It’s okay. When I build, they will come 😝
Buck the system.....zaps otw
Yeah the amount of zaps earned for posts has decreased somewhat but it’s still pretty good. Where else can my random thoughts and interests earn me bitcoin? 😊
And you meet people like me who appreciate your sense of humour
The adsense game is a tough one, you have to generate thousands of page views if you're in a general niche or competitive niche like say beauty or travel, you get more views but the CPM and CPCs suck
While for the most lucrative niches like finance and insurance, and SAAS, and those topics are boring and don't generate a lot of traffic, so you get better CPMs and CPCs but without all the volume it you might not make that much more.
Additionally with Google pushing performance max advertiseres can't see where they're bidding and optimise for your traffic, so we've seen a massive spike in MFA - made for advertising sites spun up with Ai articles trying to get revenue before the site is burned by google search or suspsended from adsense
Alternatively you can do gray content like CBD, crypto, Gambling and sports betting, and do direct deals with alt networks, but that also comes with its own drama, fees etc.
The only ad category left that can make actual money are video ads or referral links
I can't see SN having amazon or vpn referrals any time soon
If SN ever becomes a place to host video - that's more in the future if it happens ever.
Video comes with it's own costs, you have to factor in the hosting and serving and also optimise for serving video content from 3rd parties, if you choose google you get better serving inventory but google takes a big cut, 3rd party video networks pay better but if they outbid google it can leave your users with a poor experience calling that content
You sound like you work in the Search Engine Optimisation industry!
Hope the water situation in Cape Town has been resolved
Lol guilty, until I can retire....hopefully bitcoin gets me there.
Water, we've got plenty right now, had quite a bit of flooding this year so hopefully we don't get ourselves into trouble again soon, but you never know with governments
what does MFA mean?
edit: never mind, Multi factor authentication
Lol Made for advertising, it's those sites that spin up content with AI, pull in other sites RSS feeds and then split the articles into a number of pages to drive up page views,
😆, if you're posting on here with the primary goal of earning sats, I think you're doing it wrong; productive participation is incentivised, but It's still a "Social Media" of sorts, not a part-time job.
Moreover, aren't you one of the few who post every now-and-then about how much they've stacked?!
I think you're not one of those that should be rambling about a little dip in "earnings"...
I think you might think differently about things when you become a parent
Go on, tell me.
Don't worry even though it is a struggle you will still reach the minimum withdrawal level. You are right, we should never give up. To most of us who have not figure out anything yet with regards to online earning things will work out just right.
Interesting analysis of tendency. Why don't you post more frequently on Nostr? I do know people that have done really decent side-earnings there.
Other than that, SN is in a way too early stage, the community is way too small, it just can't give you what you want now. Maybe it did previously out of pure generosity from a couple of wealthy stackers, but that can't be it, it's not sustainable. Viability comes from liquidity and that's only assured by the sheer weight of a big enough user-base. SN is nowhere near that point still, you can barely count active stackers by ~100 , and to be viable you need millions. It will take no less than 2 years to get there so, to avoid frustration, the best is to hold on that reality and plan accordingly.
Although the earnings from the posts seem to have reduced, I think it is still very good, I can't complain.
Stacker News is way better than google adsense.
What are you gonna do with AdSense Money? 1.09 SGD in a month! Your this post has much more than this amount.
Why waste time there when you don't have fun? You can't interact with me like you can do on Stacker news. After reading your post, I zapped it directly because I liked it. It's not like adsense where money comes for adclicks.
Adsense and FBads or like these are traps. People make money for advertisement not for their content.
You should distribute on X!
This is way low
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.