As a practical matter, you're running a heightened risk of loss when you use an alternative implementation... true of Bitcoin and Lightning.
Contrarians learned a lesson in interoperability yesterday, and unwittingly subsidized projects trying to play catch-up by making edgy design decisions to gain share. Maybe focusing on foolish crap like Bxlt12/onion messages instead of handling fee storms was a bad idea?
Does anyone here actually run something other than Bitcoin Core? There is for example btcd, libbitcoin, knots (core fork)...
Cool if you do, and I'm not saying you should never, I personally use btcd with Lightning stuff since lnd is reliant on much of it's code anyway... I'm also glad both Knots and Libbitcoin exist as a check on Core devs...
Just know what you're doing when you use an implementation trying to carve out a niche for itself. So far none of them are solving any problems not already solved in the prevailing implementation, so unless you're doing it for the science and reliability/cost-efficacy is not your top priority, just run LND.