This is the opposite of @grayruby's Unhittiable series -- a swing that's able to take any pitch, even one that was a ball by any standards (even Angel Hernandez) and crush it out of the park. Ten out of ten coaches would tell Clement never to swing at a pitch like that, but the result is the result.
I of course saw this when it happened because that is the kind of Blue Jays fan I am. Even though the season has been terrible, I still watch almost every game.
Ernie has been an incredible utility guy on a team with not much incredible going on (besides Vladdy being all world the past two months).
I read earlier today it was the second highest pitch to be hit for a homer in the last 10 years and the other one was hit off a position player.
I like the Somehow hittable play on Unhittable. Clever. Hopefully the season affords a couple more opportunities to keep the spin off going.
Even though the season has been terrible, I still watch almost every game.
This is the mantra of a true fan.
an extraordinary blow, it may take a long time of practice to be able to do a blow like that.