To be honest, this has been and continues to be a long confusing road for most institutions. The big leap occurred when the spot Bitcoin ETFs were approved first. This immediately demonstrated how Bitcoin is different from all other crypto. That said, MSM still conflate the two regularly and this just confuses the issue. Also, politicians continue to conflate them as well (purposefully in some cases). So, I think the growth in understanding will come with the growth in the MV of Bitcoin and institutional investors being compelled to figure it out themselves. And I think this happens over the next 18 months.
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It is the other way around the approval of Bitcoin ETF is the only way Wall Street and MSM would or could express clearly that they are abdicating, surrendering, retreating and capitulating after years of saying that Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme.
They're not capitulating yet. Most people (if not the vast majority) seemingly have no idea what it is.