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Yes the pact was hardly reported in MSM...The New Yorker is the only outlet I have seen who covered it at the time in any depth. The growing alliance between Iran Russia and headed by China is not reported a lot. There's a lot of denial across the MSM and populace. Perhaps because USA cannot declare war on China without collapsing many of its largest corporations who are reliant upon the Chinese manufacturing base via the Trading with the Enemy Act?
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the intelligent policy of isolating Russia has really pushed the states together. the BRICS are gaining more and more momentum due to the West's stupid policies.
Brics will collapse soon. If china cant hold their economy together, its just going to get worse. Russia will have a lot to rebuild after the war. Win or lose.
Oh believe me one thing: before this happens the Eurozone will be in big trouble
The EU is already in trouble. We are just waiting for the dominos.
Can you name a single significant economy globally that can afford to cease trading with China without losing considerable economic advantage. Just one? I suggest you cannot. China has won the trade war. What follows is arguable. Nope you could not name a single one.
Not won. But they're gaining relative strenght fast
The pact was signed Before the invasion and subsequent sanctions. IMO the Chinese now believe they can assert their will and are testing the limits. With Russia and Iran as solid allies and many other nations including the BRICS as likely to support China it will be an interesting contest. It cannot be ruled out that the US/West comes under Chinese hegemony. Ukraine is but an opening gambit in what is likely to be a lengthy process.