The national exams are upon us. This year, I am tasked to be the Presiding Examiner. This means that I got to be super sharp and help my team of invigilators perform their exam duties well.
As might be expected, the invigilation manual is as dense as the flurry of transactions clogging the Bitcoin network. My challenge? How do I relay the information to my colleagues in a palatable and memory-sticky way?
So, I decided to turn to Wondercraft. It converts text to a podcast.
It’s really user-friendly. I simply extracted the key information from the manual and organised it into bite-sized, digestible chunks, after which I inputted my text as a prompt.
Even though I was using the free version, I could choose a voice from the options available. The default voice was Anna, so nope thank you, I don’t want my podcast to be helmed by a feminine voice and lead my colleagues to be confused. I went ahead with an option called Jeffrey, which proclaims to be expressive, upbeat and excited. This must be the most enthusiastic exam briefing ever!
After that, I clicked on Producetrack and downloaded it when it was created. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! I intend to forward it to my colleagues to prepare them for this important duty.
Nice idea to convert to audio.
I wonder how much cheating will be involved?
One can't cheat in Singapore, when caught you going straight to jail... and @cryotosensei will kick your butt... :-)