"In short, It's a war for which you just can't go on blaming Russia"
Remember how Obama tried to "reset" relations with russia? Ukraine voted to abandon NATO membership and set a neutral status in 2010. How it ended? And after 2014 why it wants again to join?
Same with Moldova, but in 1994. And yet former russian 14th army still stays here as a "peacekeepers" troops in transnistria, with a big ammunition depot in Cobasna still intact. And Moldova still is a neutral state, and still vulnerable to russia. Hell even Gazprom halved the export of gas in Moldova 2 years ago in mid winter in autumn, to CIS member exploiting total dependence on russian gas.
No it's not to blame russia for this and future wars in eastern europe if Ukraine loses.
P.S. in the draft of the peace deal from march 2022, russia wanted for Ukraine to have neutral status, no NATO/EU influence, including the help in any way, even a humanitarian aid without the consent of all garants of the peace (including russia) AND an army with 85 thousand people, ~350 tanks. With that pathetic army even Belarus could destroy Ukraine. And I repeat that was russian requirement. Putin wants full capitulation, not peace, and you play with him. That's why I agree with @oliverweiss that you are a big moron.