From Bitcoin to security. I like this option. Definitely, there are lot of people who started with Bitcoin, then learnt something about the Bitcoin itself, the technology and then security. To protect their coins, and their privacy, too
certainly!! since it is impossible to get seriously involved with Bitcoin without going through the other rabbit holes. Security, privacy, anonymity, hard money, soft money, monetary policies, scarcity, game theory, cryptography, geopolitics, politics, basic economics, mathematics, among others, all important aspects to understand Bitcoin and they are usually fields of information that are not handled by ordinary πŸ‘₯ people, when we are still very asleep about what is happening in the world and what we can really do with our lives, we are very trapped by our eternal πŸ”„short-term circle which almost never allows us to raise our face like a meerkat to see what is happening around us.🌎🌍