Yes, nowadays nerds like me can only offer privacy solution to family and friends, but we want to free the world. We will achieve it somehow lol
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I really do think that the solution has to be "easier" than the current set up.
I'm also quite big into fitness and what I found was on days where I didn't feel like doing it, accessibility was key. Gym clothes out ready, bag packed, normal clothes packed to change into afterwards, shower stuff etc. if it's all ready in that format it's easier to just do it.
With a YouTube embedded player, just clicking play is the easiest thing to do with someones comment. I personally will listen to wavlake and Spotify links when they get posted, but I'm willing to put Sats down that I'm one of the few that do. If the ease of accessibility isn't there, people won't convert to it. Which is a shame. But I'm not a coder and have no idea how you'd ever implement it.