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Overcoming a personal challenge or fear13.6%
Managing work-life balance9.1%
Dealing with a significant loss / change18.2%
Sticking to a new habit or routine0.0%
Navigating a difficult conversation4.5%
Achieving a major goal or milestone18.2%
Staying motivated through tough times27.3%
Learning a new skill or subject4.5%
Other ( Write in comment box)4.5%
22 votes \ poll ended
I really had a tough last year. I was trying hard to get a good job where I can manage to earn my monthly bills but I couldn't get it.
Now, I've chosen to better live poor than being underpaid. I've decided to learn coding, found SN and trying to survive.
Thank you for the question! I've never shared my personal difficulties wit anyone. But now when I have managed to share here, I'm feeling much relieved.
Dealing with family health issues.
Dealing with health issues... I had to deal with a surgery. In retrospect it seems it wasn't that difficult, but during the surgery and the recovery time it was hard.
This is hard because anything I've accomplished seems easy in retrospect. I once discussed this with @michael in reference to how founders make their journeys sound easy and it misleads other founders.
My intuition is that we misremember hardship a lot like women misremember the pain of childbirth so that we continue to do hard things.
With my muscles: conquered the top of Hoverla #550588 With my mind: started to watch tutors about GIT and Docker
Why create a poll on this?
Because bad students prefer multiple choice tests.
Am I doing something wrong here??
not wrong, just curious to me. It's a very personal question to suggest answers for, that's all
Suggestions are for indication only. The rest of the comment boxes are open to everyone. The choice is yours to choose. vote or comment.
Other: Getting my first daughter. And this (raising her, homeschooling) will be the hardest thing I have done this year, every year, for the next 20 years or so, which is quite possibly the entirety of my remaining lifetime.
It has definitely been a very challenging year so far with family health issues, work/life balance being all out of whack, and navigating kids in school for the first time.
0/10 would not want to go through this year again.
Learning a new skill was so hard
Deciding to try for a kid with my wife. It seems like a huge commitment in terms of time and money, and I worry I won't be the best father. She thinks I'm awesome and isn't worried though, and it's something that she's feeling that she needs in life. So we'll see.
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