Who in the world commits most aid to Ukraine?

As Statista's Martin Armstrong shows in this infographic, based on the Ukraine Support Tracker from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Ukraine currently receives the most aid from the U.S. and EU institutions (Commission and Council).
The amounts shown include financial support (loans, grants, etc.), humanitarian aid (food, medicine, etc.) and the value of weapons and equipment supplied, including donations in kind for the Ukrainian army and financial aid linked to military purposes.

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It's not very surprising to see that EU is matching every shoulder with US.
I only wonder about the source of money?
These are huge numbers? I don't understand what these countries are defending by pouring so much money in the lap of Ukraine?
Is it not the money in tax by people? Should it not be used in the welfare?
They are not defending anything. Instead they are the ones because of whom this war is happening. I doubt political warmongers have any intentions for welfare og people.
The Kiel Institute for the World Economy is an independent, non-profit economic research institute and think tank based in Kiel, Germany. In 2017, it was ranked as one of the top 50 most influential think tanks in the world and was also ranked in the top 15 in the world for economic policy specifically.
Important to point out that the source of these numbers is an intel agency front organization and therefore the numbers are completely contrived.
To the extent they are based on something that is useful to someone who funds the think tank, it's likely a measure of how much money laundering to other agency linked organizations in the given countries (and the impacts on forex).
The US is a great example with its military aid. Our military industrial complex gets to dust off some old ordinance that was never going to be used, and would have instead needed to be paid to be destroyed, and mark it up to sell to the government who prints the money for it based on the narrative around this "war". Not only do they get to sell this obsolete ordinance, they get to charge for transport, logistics, training, and all the stuff that goes with it. Then, new money to replace it with new stuff for the next war.
Yes, it's sad but true! It's highly beneficial for US military industrial complex.
Well yea, they're who created it... funny how many of the Bitcoin ends wars crowd think this one was created by something other than broken money.
Future U.S. generations will be paying the bill. The people who made the decisions now will be long dead.
75 billion euro, 52 billion for military