I haven't thought about this for a while, but I'm fascinated by projects like seasteading or Liberland.
No surprise that my preference would be to "design" a free country, but there are some interesting difficulties in doing so. One of those difficulties is avoiding being overrun by criminals and refugees immediately, which would happen if it just started as a free for all.
Assuming I'm the initial owner of the territory, I would design a land auction and gradually privatize the country, while using the proceeds to fund a trust that will support initial security and court services.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 26 Aug
Do you believe there’s a way to build a free country inhabited by people??
Half the population doesn't want freedom, while the other half wants freedom for themselves but simultaneously seeks to enslave others, IMO.
I'm not sure if it's possible, but I think it's worth attempting.
If your view of humanity is correct, and I actually think it's extremely generous, then you may have to be very selective in who you allow in initially. That might mean making my hypothetical auction only open to select people at first.