A state is a monopoly on force, so in a practical sense one would explicitly and overtly optimize for that role, avoiding the incentive misalignment and theater of every other role states tend to mire themselves in.
Not-yet-awake AnCap's can get over it and think of it as a DRO within a defensible territory. Welcome to true anarchism....
There is no public or private property, there is only the state territory. As an individual you would have no "rights" owed to you, your presence in the territory is conditional on your acceptance of the service-level-agreement. That said, unlike most countries today, you are granted safe (free) passage to leave so long as you aren't a fugitive.
Governance of the State/DRO is a shareholder meeting election of an executive suite with a charter not dissimilar from megacorps today. You don't get a vote just for living in the territory (being a customer), you need to have equity, acreage as a franchise rather than private property equating to shares.
This incentive structure would lend itself well to defense of the territory from external forces while not deterring trade. Peaceful collaboration internally through arbitration and codes of conduct under the SLA would be the path of least resistance. The overt absence of freedom at a macro level paradoxically producing an optimally free and prosperous society at the micro level.