China now offers the almost full suite of manufactured goods required by an economy so can provide countries like Russia and Iran with an alternative to the USD SWIFT global; trade payments hegemony. As Iran found recently helicopter parts are sometimes among the few remaining products not yet covered by Chinese reverse engineering. However despite such occasional gaps, overall China has won the trade war - China produces manufactured goods at a better price and value than any other economy. There is no economy of significance that today that can cease trade with China without losing significant economic advantage. In contrast the US does not produce anything much at a better price and value than competitors- the USA relies now almost entirely upon its legacy monetary, protocol, institutional and military dominance. This makes the West far more vulnerable than most people realise. The trend is toward growing Chinese power and accelerating challenge to the USD. Both Iran and Russia are now attacking the West with Chinese support in proxy wars on multiple fronts at huge cost to the West. China gets cheap oil and gas and Iran and Russia almost exclusively buying from Chinese manufacturers. There is a tipping point where trade swiftly shifts away from the USD and the CBDC Yuan is suddenly the new monetary hegemony. It is at that point that Taiwan can be taken with little or no resistance from the West.