These predictions always have me laughing.... Remember this year people were 110% sure of 2 to 3 cuts with some saying 4. It is only now that it looks like we will get the September cut. People making these predictions seem to fail to take into account the political pressure associated with these cuts. Those who think we are going to get a 50-point or higher cut in September are crazy because of how close it is to the elections. Powell has made it clear he doesn't want the Fed to be used either way in the elections and the only way to do that is a 25-point cut in September than leaving it alone till December.
With how slow the Fed was to act it baffles me that people think they will be quick to act again. Unless the markets just absolutely melt down and we have some crisis like in 07/08 the Fed has no reason to accelerate cuts.
Imagina a world without the Fed Put...
Sir I believe you are talking about some alien form of witchcraft for don't we all love our overlords and saviors the supreme and all-powerful Fed and their fearless leader Jerome Powell!
Didn't You see the UFOs last week?
Dang it I missed the signal!!!! UGH!!!