Cryptoish but some good stuff in here.
We should have learned that monetary system that we have is a Ponzi scheme. It fails every time but the media is the mouth piece that diverts our attention to the fact that 1928, 1970, 1987, 1998, 2000, 2008 events and others in between like Korean War, Vietnam War, Iran Contra, Operation Desert Storm, War in Afghanistan, Coalition of the Willing War the Drone Wars are the years when we were not aware that it is indeed a Ponzi Scheme.
We should have leaned that we are dragging things through. That we should just allow recession to occur and not to make any steps to interfere. Recession is a part of a business cycle. If you delay it you will make matters worst.
If you like this line of thinking, seeing patterns, I recommend reading The Fourth Turning by Howe + Strauss.