[alias] co = checkout cob = checkout -b coo = !git fetch && git checkout br = branch brd = branch -d st = status aa = add -A . unstage = reset --soft HEAD^ cm = commit -m cma = commit -am amend = commit --amend -m fix = commit --fixup undo = reset HEAD~1 rv = revert cp = cherry-pick pu = !git push origin `git branch --show-current` fush = push -f mg = merge --no-ff rb = rebase rbc = rebase --continue rba = rebase --abort rbs = rebase --skip rom = !git fetch && git rebase -i origin/master --autosquash save = stash push pop = stash pop apply = stash apply rl = reflog
I got them from somewhere, I don't remember, In fact I just realized I never use them at all, it was just lying around in my git config, I'm a simple git user and rarely need any of those. It also helps that I'm using fish as my shell, the autocompletion is fantastic I never worry about repeating long commands.