Hey guys! Just a dev messing around with some code, and zapin.me was born.
It’s a site where you can pin messages on a map using satoshis – 1 sat = 1 min on the map.
It started as me tinkering with Phoenixd and turned into something real. Everything's open-source, so feel free to jump in, contribute, or just check it out on GitHub. Come leave your mark on the map!
42 sats \ 3 replies \ @ca 28 Aug
Guys please don't pin your actual home address. Stay safe out there
82 sats \ 1 reply \ @ken 28 Aug
Duh, that's why I used my neighbor's address!
Your neighbor's address is probably close to your address. Since it is your neighbor.
Good advice! 🤣
Doesn’t work on mobile
Yes! Hodl!
I made it to integrate with phoenixd server. Mainly just to have fun. :) (I've just spend a night doing this so far)
But I've made a list of possible future features to build when I have time, here it is:
  • Highlight when a new marker arrives.
  • Allow custom icons.
  • Enable message filtering (active/inactive/jobs/events/etc.).
  • Optimize for mobile view.
  • Allow adding pins with the right mouse button.
It works now!
Indeed it does. Only issue I had was not seeing a payment confirmation.
Now live - v0.1.0: https://zapin.me
  • Mobile adjustments
  • Right-click to add pins
  • Highlight new markers as they appear
  • Share pins with a direct link like this: https://zapin.me/?pin=id
  • Each new pin creates a note on zapin.me's official Nostr profile
  • Added SEO tags
I would like to try
Interesting to see where this goes. Some people could bounties on things and objects.
Cool stuff!
Very cool stuff! Fun to play with :)
Yea just so nobody does something silly maybe have a disclaimer not to use home address haha.