Sovereign Citizen

The official narrative regarding the title “Sovereign Citizen” is as follows:
“A member of a political movement of people who oppose taxation, question the legitimacy of government, and believe that they are not subject to the law and do not respect the authority of the police.”
Although a true sovereign is capable of seeing through the official propaganda, the following issues with this statement are as follows:
  • Being sovereign is not political, but a status of life, which is that of having supreme authority and control over one’s life.
  • Sovereignty is not a belief system, but truth in fact.
  • The “law” that is referred to is nothing more than corporate policy without contract and therefore no obligation to comply.
  • The police are a private “For-Profit” Corporation in the business of selling debt to the general public in the guise of fines, based upon bogus and unfounded rules and regulations.
  • Citizen means “slave to the city” meaning that the title “Sovereign Citizen” is an oxymoron. You cannot be both sovereign and a slave.
The tactic is to create a baseless hypothesis and then apply a title to it, and then use said title to try and strawman the argument without attempting to even tackle it.
This is nothing new within the corrupt political game played by people who hide behind the legal fiction called government.