Socialism robs a country of its economic powerhouse, economic motivations, and almost all innovation and entrepreneurship. It's just the politically connected/rulers getting rich at the expense of everyone else. Followed of course by inflation, debt, poverty (see Venezuela unfortunately) and empty promises. It's the confiscation of wealth and hope by the state - just to prop itself up through schemes and confiscatory policies that are unsustainable and unjust. Why Europe never figured this out is beyond me.
Socialism is a mind virus. It is tempting to vote for them when you feel left out by society. What I don't understand though, is why boomers, who have more to lose, are leaning left. (at least in my country)
I always describe this effect as bringing in a free moral dividend. Communism is the morality and resentment of the stupid, and the intellectually undemanding. It has nothing to do with money, it's a cheap pandering to the masses