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There are a lot of free disposal/junk haul services in Austin. I suspect they make money selling the recoverable stuff, as you say, but it's always surprising to see their ads.
On a side note. It's odd that we are talking about junk removal today because a former colleague of mine is a VP with company that franchises home services brands. They have junk removal, one day painting and house cleaning. I am trying to convince him to let me have the license for all three brands for my region but they don't seem to want to go that route. They want to sell them individually and "prove it" with one before getting the next one and the next one. But that doesn't really interest me. If I am only going to have the one I might as well not pay the franchise fee and commissions and just go do it myself as grayruby's junk removal or whatever.
I love those kind of businesses. My uncle-in-law bought a similar maintenance business in California targeting other businesses.
They are amazing businesses. Really hard to scale but have nice profit margins and generally fairly low overhead (you don't need to hire 10 engineers and give them a fancy office to work in). If you are willing to learn the business and work hard you can make a very nice living.
Yep, most of his employees are born again convicts.
You still need to find the right people. There are a lot of good, honest, hard working people on the lower income, lower skill scale but there are also a lot of people who are in the position they are in because they continuously make poor decisions (in life and work).
Prove it with one... so annoying
They definitely sell all the scrap metal etc. In this instance everything that was recoverable was to be set aside for the city to sell/auction (however it worked) but mostly everything was a disaster. It was supposed to be furniture, appliances, stuff like that. We weren't tearing out copper wiring and pipes etc. The plan was to get all the shit out, keep what is good, bring in whatever team they had that would fumigate, remediate, and whatever other ate they needed to do to not make the place a death trap and they sell the houses at auction. Then someone buys it and tears it down. Haha.
I like that occasionally there's enough treasure in trash that this kind of recycling happens even if it hardly puts a dent on all the waste.