Yeah since I been in the bitcoin space I got scammed and lost a ton of sats. At first you feel angry like how could I have been so stupid. Then you feel really down about it almost to the point where you want to cry everyday. Then you have days when you want revenge and still hold out hope that you may get your funds back. Then the finally feeling the one that has kept me grounded is being thankful for the things I do have and the sats I didn’t lose. Health, family, love, food, water, sunshine, and God himself granting me this 1 in 400 trillion chance at life. If bitcoin becomes what we think it will then these early losses will be a distant memory. If bitcoin becomes worthless well it was fun while it lasted and got to do some really cool things that I never would have explored like learning Linux and understanding key signatures.
So I say all that to remind you don’t beat yourself up too much. If you lost your stack just start from zero again. If you want make a complaint (which I am in the process of doing) if people are stealing they need to be brought to justice and hopefully stopping them from having another victim. So stay in there and if you come across something that is sketchy ask SN.
Yea it wasn't anything to big! I like the approach on focusing on the positive because in the end many of these in here have a lot going for us and a nice stack if things go up in fiat terms.
It is never fun being burned, but it makes me more directional and purposeful with what I am doing.
I do find some satisfaction in going to church occasionally, at a minimum a place to meditate and be one with myself.