AI coding startup Magic AI raised $465M with the stated goal:
"Imagine if you could spend $100 and 10 minutes on an issue and reliably get a great pull request for an entire feature. That’s our goal."
But we shipped that two days ago, our agent solving two PRs for in 12 minutes for $5 in a product that's publicly available now everywhere in the world:
So what does Magic really need all that money for?
Reviewing their latest statement calling for AI regulation and their investor list, including deep state financier Eric Schmidt and Nat Friedman / Daniel Gross, primary funders of "nationalize the AI labs" Leopold Aschenbrennder, it's clear they want to build AGI and hand it to the deep state.
Magic, SSI, OpenAI and Anthropic have all clearly aligned with ClosedAI to the benefit of themselves and governments-- to the detriment of all humanity.
We will raise a coalition to counter their influence and smash every nexus of centralized corruption.
The world must have truly open AI.
How will you help?
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