I stumbled upon this not too long ago, very interesting.
These helicopters remind me of the part in the documentary "Mirage Men"
"We've been doing something that is really, really interesting, just blows my mind. We got these helicopters that I'm flying, these helicopters are all fixed up. First of all we got no markings on 'em, second they're really fast, and third they're really quiet. And they've got a lot of lights, we got red lights, we got white lights, we got strobe lights...we pretend we're UFOs."
What was your sighting like?
It was 3 solid red points of light in the shape of a triangle, it was lower than a plane that was flying nearby, not sure how many feet. It was slow moving with no noise and as it passed behind the tree it changed color and shape. To a white/blue color and a solid line, kept along the same trajectory and speed. No flashing lights either. We also heard clicking sounds in the trees, I am hoping these were tree frogs lol! Nothing much after that.
I think I have seen that helicopter stuff before. Fascinating stuff for sure.