Criminal Record

To “record” is the act of documenting data or to chronicle the history of a particular subject or person, resulting in the creation of a database for reference in due course.
Creating a “criminal record” is to produce a database of a person’s previous criminal convictions; however what constitutes a “criminal conviction”?
Furthermore, who is doing the recording of said database, and under what authority?
Regardless of your life choices and any indiscretions you may have carried out, who did you give permission to that allows them to record, store and share the history of your life?
Moreover, a “criminal record” is actually “policy violation” from unfounded contracts, issued by corporations, which can be repeatedly brought up to further hinder your life, and is usually subjected to the poor only.
Note: It should also be noted that a “criminal record” is only applied to your corporate birth certificate, operating within the lower public realm or jurisdiction of a “democracy”.
This is why the rich and powerful never get convicted or sent to prison.