Did You know?

The wolf never eats corpses, neither animals, nor people; it spends its whole life with a partner, it does not mate with its mother or sister; it is a monogamous animal, it does not deceive.
If a partner dies, the wolf remains alone; it knows its young ones well: it is the only animal that helps their parents after deep old age and brings them food. https://m.stacker.news/49096
When you kill a wolf, it looks you in the eye until its soul gives out; it's 25% smarter than the smarter dog, and it's the only animal that doesn't obey training, they say...
sometimes the bad thing in the movie is not how they portray it.
Congrats. You won this week.
Thanks! A win for the wolves!!
Interesting facts! Wolves seems to have their own constitution which they abide!
Didn't know they are monogamous!!
Thanks! I liked the fact how wolves remain alone after their partner die! They are wild beast but their love and most other things are human like!!