We are outsiders, we have no concept of how much is too much.
This might seem unrelated, but I spend a lot of money eating out even though I would save a ton by eating at home. However, I don’t have the time or ability to communicate to anyone that may be critical of this choice why it is better for me. It would take hours to give all the reasons to explain my personal situation.
So when I see an article like, “millennials spend too much on coffee” it instantly reeks of a clickbait narrative that doesn’t contribute to any meaningful solutions around the actual problem of the economic decisions behind having coffee out and how prices are skyrocketing. It’s an ego trip to finger wag an arbitrary group of people.
Maybe there are legit reasons what millennials are dumdums, maybe there are legit reasons CPP is overspending. All I know is the article is primarily intending to aggravate, not inform, which causes my guards to go up immediately