After posting the huge news about the Texas BTC mining helping lower peak prices by 80% this beautiful bombshell hit.
Key thing is this is a PEER REVIEWED PAPER! In the “follow the science” world that is a huge thing so next time your friends or family try to say its killing the environment you can point them right to this paper to PROVE otherwise!
Today has been a great day for BTC mining news!
this territory is moderated
The assumption is that hashrate will remain at these levels or go higher? I am leaning toward hashrate dropping maybe 80% over the next 12 years. I wonder if that changes anything if thats the case.
Peer reviewed!!!
A new peer-reviewed scientific paper, titled An integrated landfill gas-to-energy and Bitcoin mining framework, appearing in the Aug. 29 edition of the Journal of Cleaner Production, demonstrated how Bitcoin mining could reduce methane emissions.
The research paper detailed how Bitcoin miners are uniquely positioned to leverage "Landfill Gas to Energy" (LFGTE) systems that capture and convert methane gas from garbage landfills into usable energy—sequestering the greenhouse gas and reducing its harmful effects on the atmosphere.
LFGTE systems hold great promise but the big thing to me is how they can be leveraged during flaring of nat gas on site of oil fields! Systems have been built to effectively burn all the methane but oil fields do not have much of an electricity demand and data centers wont work since whatever is running has to be able to turn off