There's a saying we tell each other in times like these here in Brazil:
O Brasil não é para amadores
this territory is moderated
why is this judge acting this way?
tl;dr: It's a mix of political complications, general culture and fear.
The Supreme Court have too much power right now. And they are using their power to maintain their status.
The political processes needed to remove those judges are very unlikely to happen because the Senators and Deputies fear backlash from the Supreme Court. The Judiciary Power can even seize assets you don't have. Recently a Senator got something around USD$10 million seized by the Justice System. Does he have all that? No. He has something close to a quarter million dollars in assets, but any assets he may eventually receive will be seized immediatelly.
Brazil has more Law Schools than the rest of the world combined and it emits more Law degrees yearly than any other country in the world. Judges, Lawyers, Attorneys, Law operators are highly respected and feared people among the general population.
These power plays (Do you know who you're talking to?) are expected from people in higher positions. This illegal orders look like tuesday to the avegare brazilian: just another powerful player playing with power